Expert insights

Your go-to resource for expert advice on aging, with insights from local and national professionals. From Aging in Place to getting better Zs at night. We provide practical tips and the latest research to help you or someone your care about make informed decisions. Check back for new updates.





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Tax Assistance

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program offers individuals and families who meet income eligible guidelines free tax preparation.

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Support Line for Elder Abuse Concerns

The free and confidential helpline offers a specialized service for individuals who are concerned about someone experiencing elder abuse.

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Medicaid Programs Application Assistance

Healthy Capital District facilitated enrollment staff is trained to help seniors, blind, and/or disabled individuals apply for Medicaid programs.


Designating a Healthcare Agent

Designating a Healthcare Agent is crucial as it provides clear, written instructions about healthcare treatment in the event you lose the ability to make decisions for yourself.


Fall Prevention

Falls are largely preventable, and there are several factors you can address to reduce the risk.


Aging in Place

To successfully age in place, there are key steps to consider.

"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."
— Aesop